Let's see . . . . . .
Less than 2 months till' I go back to school, and that's how much time I have to get rid of these big, ugly love handles.
Have any tips !? It would really help.Have any tips or advice for getting rid of love handles ?
Haha! No, crunches will not work Fresh Princess! That only gives you the abs underneath the cushion. If you want a professional answer, just simply message http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile%26amp;friendid=393940834 if you have a myspace. they'll answer immediately. i love that site! best info ever! don't forget to add them. heck, if you dont have a myspace, i'd make one just for them.Have any tips or advice for getting rid of love handles ?
Love handles are a lighthearted, almost fun-sounding name for something that isn't at all fun to those who suffer from it. Love handles are the result of excess body fat around the stomach and waist area, and many people have them. Most want to get rid of their love handles, slimming the waist and stomach area. So what are some exercises to get rid of love handles?
There are no magical exercises to get rid of love handles. In fact, performing exercises to target a specific part of the body rarely works. In order to get rid of unsightly love handles, an overall exercise regime (coupled with good dietary habits) must be used. The only real exercises to get rid of love handles would be an overall cardiovascular workout, used to burn all body fat.
Love handles are nothing more than excess body fat. No specific exercises to get rid of love handles, such as side crunches or a lot of twisting motions, will work unless they're done as part of a regular cardio workout program. In order to burn any fat on the body, a cardio workout is always best. This will help slim down your entire body structure, including love handles.
Once you've started burning fat through a routine cardio workout plan, you can focus on more specific exercises to get rid of love handles. Side crunches and twisting motions that work the muscles of the waist are best. But strength training and toning exercises to get rid of love handles should come in secondarily to your overall cardio workout. Only with cardio can you burn fat - these are the true exercises to get rid of love handles.
By maintaining a healthy diet and employing a regular cardio workout program, your love handles will fade without any special exercises to get rid of love handles. Once you start burning fat, you'll decrease the overall amount of fat clinging to your body. Then, you will no longer have to worry about exercises to get rid of love handles. Your love handles will be gone - along with all that other unsightly fat that you want to burn off your body.
Lay down on your back, put your hands behind your head, and alternate doing a crunch while putting your left elbow to your right knee. Focus on the ceiling ahead of you and use your stomach to pull yourself up. BREATHE do not hold your breath. =) Thats a good one! Good luck!
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