Monday, August 23, 2010

Advice on how to get pregnant?

Does anybody have any ideas on how I can get pregnant easily. Something that would work. I have problems getting pregnant I've been under treatment and still nothing. I'm done with all the medical stuff. I want to try doing it on my own now. Maybe my husband has problems too but i'm not sure because he doesn't want to get checked. I also have problems getting my period. Sometimes i don't get it for almost a year. Does someone knows anything on how i can become pregnant when my period does come?Advice on how to get pregnant?
Even if both of you are perfectly healthy and your period is regular there is still only a 20% chance or so that you will fall pregnant in any cycle. It's not easy for anyone, despite what we see in the movies.

There are things you and your husband can do to improve your chances. You could both quit smoking and drinking, if you currently drink and/or smoke. Get some regular exercise for both the physical and mental benefits. Try having sex every second day - don't do it every day or the sperm are not strong enough to make the big swim, and if you leave it longer than that they can be too old and tired. This method worked for me and a number of my friends.

You say that you are over the whole medical thing. I can see why this would be frustrating for you if you are still not seeing results. However, it is really important for you to find out why your periods are so irregular. Also, your husband may need to face the fact that it might be his sperm that are the issue. If he is serious about starting a family with you, he will get this checked. Until you are both checked out there is no way of knowing why you have not yet concieved. Sorry, but he needs to put his pride to the side for a while :(Advice on how to get pregnant?
If you don't get your periods for almost a year at a time, that is called secondary amenorrhea - usually a symptom of PCOS (polycystic ovaries) which causes fertility problems because of the hormones involved in causing the cysts. I have this. For this you would be given fertility treatments which you have been given. If this was the reason for your inability to become pregnant then the treatments generally work very well.

However, HALF (bare minimum statistic) of problems conceiving are MALE FACTOR. If your fertility treatments are not working then the odds are very great that the solution lies in your husband getting checked. If your husband wants a child with you, he will get checked. Otherwise, he may not actually want a child at this point or he may be nervous about being checked in such a 'private' area. He should keep in mind that YOU have undergone extensive testing and treatments in order to have a child. Most doctors recommend that the first course of action is to check the male for troubles first (although men tend to lay everything on the woman and believe that the woman should be the one to go out of her way - the problem MUST be with her, men have too much ego).

I'm sorry if I seem negative.

You need to sit down with your husband. You're right to be done with your medical treatments. Ask him if he truly wants a child with you and let him know that the ball is in his court now.
I have had 2 miscarriages, and 1 ectopic pregnancy. I am now 36 weeks pregnant. I just left it in GODS hands, and he has blessed me and my husband with a little girl. I would suggest trying to forget about it for a while. See what happens with no medicine and just praying about it. I hope the best for you.
You need to regulate your period. Try taking the herb Vitex. You can buy it online. My period would only come 3 or 4 times a year until I started taking this. It has worked wonders! You can take it all cycle, start any day. Stop when you get your BFP, not after ovulation.

Good luck!
I agree with stephanie you do need to regulate your periods. Ive heard of alot of women having luck with acupuncture to regulate periods. I found this great article on webmd i hope it helps. Baby dust to ya hun.鈥?/a>
Maybe you have endometriosis. I would put it in gods hands and pray about it. Then leave it up to him and trust in him. I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck
take your clothes off, take your partners clothes off, make him stick his dick in your pussy and **** for 2 days let all that sperm come out in your pussy and wallah...your english it means HAVE SEX DUMBASS

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