my mom had cancer and my grandma too could i get it i need to know.Could i get some advice?
Since you are going to 7th grade, you are too young to get it at the moment. How old were your mom and grandma when they got it? Cancer can be hereditary but me thinks you have many many years to go before you need to start worrying out it. As you get older and closer to your mom's age you go talk to your doctor about it. In the meantime, just see the doctors for the routine stuff.
Hope this helps and good luck.Could i get some advice?
as far as I know cancer is not hereditary, so I don't think you will necessarily get it, but if you're really worried then ask your doctor next time you see him.
I know this can be very worrisome. Both my mother and grandmother had cancer also. They were not fortunate enough to find it eary enough to get help and they both died.
I did get cancer also; however, because I keep on top of my health I was able to get to mine early and it's now been 8 years since mine has been found.
A lot has to do with what kind of cancers that both of them had too. There are some cancers that are hereditary.
You did not mention if they are alive or if they died from it. If they are alive, you need to talk with them and find out what kind of symptoms they had and what kind of cancer they had. If they are not alive, then talk to your dad or some other relative that can help you with this information.
If you are ever in doubt, check with your doctor. Make sure he/she knows about your family history with cancer. Don't ever assume that they will remember it either. Every time you go to see them with a question or problem, remind them of the family cancer. They see so many patients it's hard for them to remember everything.
Try not to worry all the time about it. Get your answers about what they had and never be afraid to get something checked out. Don't do what a lot of people do...if they don't get it checked out then they think they don't have it. Not true. You have it and it's growing...find out and take care of it right away! You have much better chances that way.
I pray you will not have to deal with this, but get informed! Good luck.
While some cancers may be hereditary not all are. I'm sure that if both your Mom and Grandma had cancer that you might be a bit worried. Here are a few thing for you to do and remember:
1. You have a lot of power over some cancers. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
2. Don't smoke.
3. The next time you go to the Doctor, Ask her/him about it. They are there to help you and remember, that there are no dumb questions.
4. Many cancers are treatable and are able to be cured if caught and treated early enough.
5. There are 10 million people living with cancer in the United States right now! Not all cancers kill.
6. Ask your Doctor how you can protect yourself against getting cancer and then follow their recommendations for screenings.
Yes you could possibly get cancer thanks to genetics. If you have a family hx or cancer you should make you doctors aware and share with them your concerns learn all you can about what types of cancer and when they were afflicted. The more information you know the the more help you will be to your doctors.
Although some types of cancer are hereditary, From a metaphyisical stand point the more you dwell on any subject, be it positive or negative. that is what you draw to you! For example,
if you constantly say or (affirm): I don't want to be sick or i don't want to have cancer. you are still focusing your energy on that subject thus drawing it to you. Instead, use positive affirmations like ';I am in perfect health'; or ';My body is in great shape'; Etc....
Also meditation and quiet time promotes peace of mind which in turn promotes physical well being.
these is a greater chance of you getting cancer but are other risk factor that play a part what you need to do is fing a doctor, have a physical, tell the doctor your concerns, and keep a check on it, if you do end up getting cancer, the sooner they find out about it the better
Sometimes cancer is hereditary. Yes, there is a possibilty.
The is a likely hood that you could also carry a cancer gene as most of us do. But style of living such as smoking, excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages and drug use can also influence the point at which cancer develops in a person's system.
I myself have Multiple Myeloma (bone marrow cancer) and studies show that that MM cannot be tracked down to any particular life style. Radiation exposure, farming with poisons and other types of hazardous materials MAY be involved in the formation of this type of cancer.
It is possible, but not an absolute. Be sure to get checked and also try to live healthy. Do not smoke or eat too much fat and that will reduce your chances some.
Hi...My mom past 13yrs. ago bless her heart and she had cancer...I go in once a year for a check-up...Sometimes it's hereditary and sometimes it's not...So be safe,make an appointment to see your doctor and have yearly check-up...
Nothing so. Not to worry unnecessarily.
yes you are considered high risk at getting cancer
yes you can... if you are concerned that you might have it you need to see a doctor and the sooner the better.
well britt it is possible but just live a healthy lifestyle and eat right and you prolly wont
There is a possibility u may inherit from ur mother's side; however, nowaday we have a medical technology to screen for the oncogenes(cancer genes) before these genes activate. I suggest u visit Harvard Medical Center if u concern about ur health. We have all the medical technology to better accomodate ur needs.
Good luck and good health and take care of urself!!
yes it's genetic.
See this site.
Was it the same type of cancer?
It is possibly linked, but 90% of cancers are caused by enviromental factors.
you have a great chance get yearly check ups
What kind of cancer they had is relevant to the question? Nonetheless, it can be hereditary. It can also be tremendously influenced by lifestyle issues such as health and fitness. Though it can be hereditary, it doesn't necessarily follow that you will get it. It does, however, increase your chances. Best thing to do, get checked frequently, and ever more frequently as you age. A doctor will explain that these are risk factors. You can't control the ones you're born with, but you can alter those in your environment.
yes,it could be in your jeans/DNA.
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