Thursday, August 19, 2010

Does anyone have good advice on getting rid of lice?

My niece got them from school and now she has infected most of the family! We are finding it really difficult to get rid of the damn things. Any advice would be great!Does anyone have good advice on getting rid of lice?
Oh the dreaded nits, I remember them well! The best thing is to be vigilent, daily combing with a fine tooth comb and obviously try and keep your heads apart, my kids used to pick them up in school and pass them on to the rest of us, it was awful. Initially use a lotion/shampoo that is especially for killing the lice but it's not wise to use it too often as it contains pesticide, but it is better to use something the first time, chemists sell all different types or your GP will prescribe some too. You can get some that you only have to leave on for a few minutes and doesn't smell too bad, there's one on the market especially for younger kids called Nice'n Clear and it contains natural pesticide which is much gentler on the scalp. After using the lotion just tooth comb very thoroughly to remove the dead lice and eggs and then daily, maybe using conditioner or baby oil to make it easier. Anything with tee tree oil is quite good, shampoo, conditioner etc they seem to hate it. The vital thing is that when you have lice, to remove all traces of the nits (eggs) these usually look like spherical white specks that stick like mad to the hair shaft, they can be mistaken for dandruff sometimes. If the eggs are still alive they can still hatch into lice, it's a vicious circle. If you can remove any remaining eggs, (and it's no mean feat), and kill all the lice that have hatched your on a winning streak. The trick is to tooth comb on a regular basis even when the children don't appear to have any as if they have picked the odd one up you'll be aware before they have the chance to spread. As well as ordinary tooth combs you can buy electronic ones from any good chemist, they actually zap the lice, although they don't harm your head, I bought one of these for my kids but I found I had more success with the old fashioned method. Well I hope you manage to clear them lice are a major problem in all schools at the moment, and it happens to the best of us, it's not pleasant but you can get rid of them with perserverance and vigilance. Ever since I read your question I've been scaratching my head, funny isn't it how whenever someone mentions lice you want to scratch. Well hope this has helped a little, all the best!Does anyone have good advice on getting rid of lice?
The best method I know is to put hair conditioner on to the hair and then use the special comb to remove the headlice/eggs.
Fasten a blackbird or a woodpecker to the childs` head with a stout strap and leave on for 8 hours, all lice and nits will be

permanently removed.
best way to get rid of them is a robi comb
ive found the cheapest conditioner(tesco value) to be the friends a hairdresser and she said the cheapest conditioner and use nitty comb.i nit comb it with conditioner on, then rinse then nitty comb it again.
Go to CVS or other drug store and buy the box(es) of RID. There's an entire kit to treat the infected person and the house, etc. Follow the directions. It is painstaking to comb through all the hair, but better to do it once the right way, as opposed to having to do it repeatedly because the first attempt was half assed to begin with. All stuffed animals, mattress covers, rugs, car seats, couches must be treated. There's a spray in the box for stationary items - couch, car seats. All the bedding has to be washed and dryed on hot. Bag other items - stuffed animals, rugs, in garbage bags and seal them. They have to be put away for over 2 weeks.

Dont' forget to spray the mattresses too. Then you wait for 2 weeks and repeat the process. Hopefully after that you will be lice free.

Good luck.

I have to say that the emotional damage was unexpected - we were feeling like lepers when it first happened. We were really upfront about it though. We contacted the school as soon as we found out and the school tested the entire class - doesnt' help to get rid of it and then go right back where it came from. We found out that a lot of our acquantances and friends had already dealt with it, or had family that had.
have tried robi combs and almost every brand of nit lotion on market, and the best thing is baby oil, comb through hair, wrap in towel, leave for as long as poss(hours). Wash out, use fairy liquid as it gets rid of oil easy, wash hair as normal, whilst conditioner is still on comb through with nit comb, rinse.( Nits and lice can not hold onto oil, but have become immune to over the counter remedies, robi comb only kills lice)Now I'm all itchy!
condition condition condition --- pick up those huge cheap conditioners at a discount store -- after washing hair put lots in and leave it in for 20 - 30 mins or longer --- ( this will suffocate the lice! ) it will take a few times but it works, is cheap , and no chemicals!

Make sure all bedding, hats, etc )and combs, brushes are soaked in hot water!!!!!!
RidX is what we always used as a kid. You also need to wash all the sheets and change them frequently for a few weeks. I do not think that you want to shave your head;-)

the good news is that lice like clean healthy hair. The common thought is that lice is a dirty kid problem and that is not true.
tea tree oil shampoo they don't like.. can get it in chemists/health food shops

either that or go visit nitty nora the nit nurse =)
Hedrin is a new product that works differently to normal treatments you buy from the pharmacy. Its active ingredient is one used in hair serums. It has been proved to be 100% effective, my family have used it and it works, I was very happy with it. It works by stopping the lice from being able to breathe. I have tried loads of chemical preparations and they are useless, apparently the lice have become immune to these treatments. The only trouble is the cost. About 拢5 for a small bottle which I would say is enough for two people unless they have very long hair. The hedrin must be used twice, one week apart so for a family it costs a lot. Conditioning and combing is OK but there always seemed to be one or two lice that escaped so treatment seemed endless. I have used the zapper comb, it was 拢20, useless! Just a gimmick I think.鈥?/a>
tea tree shampoo and conditioner is supposed to be good!..(condition the hair up and comb through) cant say for sure though that it actually prevents you from catching them again. comb through the hair with a lice comb twice a day for two weeks works (long time two weeks but it ensures that you get all the unhatched nits out)

or a quicker way visit your chemist and buy over the counter....or visit your local heath visitor at your doctors, you should be able to get the treatment for free
spread mayonaise or oive juice on ur head and comb with a robi comb. and after 5 hours wash and put again. do this for 2 weeks
There's loads of shampoo's and combs and other stuff on the market.

Go to your local chemist.
join the club!!! my daughters get them all the time, i have tried every treatment available they work once but become immune there after. the thing that works for me is to wash their hair then condition it then work a lice comb through the hair then wash off conditioner. i also find the metal lice combs are more effective than the plastic ones. it does take time but is worth it to get rid of them. comb through hair on a daily basis as any eggs laid will hatch so need to be removed.
Wash your hair then smother it in conditioner (any brand), and leave it for about 15 minutes til the little b****rs suffocate. Rinse thoroughly and comb with a lice comb. Repeat 2 weeks later as any remaining eggs will have hatched. Check your hair regularly for reinfestation.
First off ALL stuff animals need to be put in black garabage bags outside for 3 weeks. You need to wash all bed linens and clothes in hot water and dry in a dryer. Couches need to be sprayed with the spray they have. Hairbrushes need to go into a glass jar with ammonia.Carpets need the powder or spray plus vaccumed and the bag/ container dumped immediatly. Towels need to be washed as soon as one is doing using it. Also I hate to say this but puppy shampoo that kills lice works better then anything. Blow dry the hair, will also kill all the living bugs. Dyeing or color your hair will also kill them but you will have to do again once the eggs hatch. And finally if really desperate and don't plan on anyone leaving the house anytime soon,vegetable oil and soak the hair, DO not rinse it for 5 hours. Do this for a weeks and they will be completely gone.
u can use a chemical from the pharmacy there are several on the market and the pharmacist will be able to advise you the current most effective one . if you want to avoid chemicals get a plastic nit comb about 70p from pharmacy and after washing hair put conditioner on. comb thoroughly all over it will take some time with first the larger side of the comb then the finer. do this every other day for a couple of weeks then occasionally when u wash hair to keep them at bay. if u r thorough with the combing u should be able to keep them at bay without chemicals. wash bedding on high temp and also brushes/combs. hope this is of help to u.

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