Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can I please get some advice? I am torn and don't know what to do about this situation. Please Help Me

My boyfriend has been living in Clinton SC in a drug rehab halfway house for the past 6 months. They found him a job up there and everything. He got laid off his job a week ago and now he wants to come back to the Anderson County SC area. I miss him terribly, but he has no job, no transportation, and no where to live once he gets here. We used to have a place together but he did not work regular and I cant pay all the bills by myself. I moved back in with my dad. I do love this man but why is he wanting to come back here. He says he is going to walk here. I feel like if he does that then it will be my responsibility to take care of him, I love him really I do but this is not fair to me. He should not expect me to be able to fix this for him. He said he does not want to stay in a mission like haven of rest. I dont know what to tell him without hurting his feelings. Yes I want him back down here close to me, but why cant he use his head about the situation. Please pray that he thinks this over before Monday and decides not to walk down here. He is 33 years old and he needs to use his head. I love him but he should not put me in this situation and I dont have the heart to tell him that. Surely he knows it on his own. What am I supposed to do about this??? I love him but when he comes down here the only place he is going to have to stay is the haven of rest. I work and it is going to be hard for me to run him around everywhere. It is so sad. I wish he could get his life settled. Can I please get some advice? I am torn and don't know what to do about this situation. Please Help Me
You prolly don't want my advice, cuz I would have left him when I found out he was doing drugs. That's something I will not stand for.Can I please get some advice? I am torn and don't know what to do about this situation. Please Help Me
Give him an ultimatum and lay down the law. If he really loves you then he will understand but at the end of the day you have to let him know because if he doesn't, he can't at least try to change. If he doesn't get it then maybe he just doesn't care. Honestly he seems a bit selfish to me. Good luck.

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