Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why cant i get a girlfriend help i need advice?

I'm 18, and i never had a real girlfriend i had messed around with two girls only but never had an official girl. I'm nice and respectful, and have a really good personality.

It's not my looks is it girls?

Here's a pic cant i get a girlfriend help i need advice?
your not ugly maybe you just creep girls out...Why cant i get a girlfriend help i need advice?
Dude, I'm 21, almost 22 and in the same situation, women are just so picky about a man's social skills.
no it s not your looks. I don t know what s wrong...just keep trying and eventually you ll learn from the mistakes you make what to do better and which are your strong points. practice makes perfect!
Quasimodo (aka hunchback of Notre Dame) could get a chick if he had the charisma and charm, but the problem is exactly what you said. I';m nice and respectful. You might as well say you're gay to a woman. Women are like criminal suspects. They know they have something you want, and they're not just about to give it to any schmuck who asks and risk getting a bad reputation or disease. So they put up a defensive wall, and a guy's job is to smash it down with both finesse and pure brutality. You play hot and cold, good cop and bad cop. You charm her and pay her lots of attention, then boom, ignore or tease her. What's with you today? Your hair looks strange. What's with your skirt? What's your deal? If a guy plays good cop too much, boosting her ego too much, she'll be like a cocky criminal. A cocky criminal thinks he owns the police and is smarter and will never confess. You gotta hit em with both sides. Do the right thing buddy, tell us where the body is, give the family closure. Then the bad cop. You know we can pick which person is your roommate in jail. Some dudes have cocks the diameter of a football. Ever had a football rammed up your poopoo?

You're basically breaking down a woman's defenses. Women think nice and respectful guys are a joke. If you want a girlfriend, quit being so nice and respectful. I'm not saying beat them up and verbally abuse them, but ignore and tease them as much as you send them lame puppy dog looks. Yes it's a game, but if you don't play, you don't score. Simple as that.

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