while pregnant with my son dec 06, they discovered i had a dermoid cyst on my right ovary, it was about 1cm by 2cm at first, when i had my son they did a scan to check the cyst and it was 4cm by 4cm, they decided to leave it an do another scan next year (jan 09), but now me an my husband are trying for another baby again next month should i tell the doctor i want it removing first or will it not affect my pregnancy?I have an ovarian cyst and want to get pregnant,advice plz?!
I also discovered I had a cyst on my ovary. I still conceived tho and carried a healthy baby, who is now one year old. I think its up to you, but if it doesn't affect you and doesn't cause you any pain then there isn't any need for it to be removed at the moment.I have an ovarian cyst and want to get pregnant,advice plz?!
It shouldn't affect your TTC efforts. If anything it may hinder eggs being released from that side, but that's why you have two ovaries. As long as your Doctor is not concerned about it, I wouldn't worry about it.
I have had several cysts on my ovaries and I've got 3 healthy children. Usually what happens for me is that they eventually shrink back down and are no longer a problem.
If you are still concerned, call your Doctor or his Nurse and share your concerns with them. They would be better to advise you on what you should do, and ease your worries too.
Good luck to you!
I have been TTC for a year with a cyst, and I have been unsuccessful. It is stopping me from ovulation, and throwing my periods all out of wack. If you continue to have normal periods, then you are ovulating and it should not be a problem. If your periods go out of control like mine have, then I would consider getting it removed. I am having mine drained in a few weeks so I can start ovulating again b/c my body is not absorbing this thing. Good luck to you!
Well you would have to go to ur doctor to get checked again, because TTC and ovarian cysts dont mix at all....ovarian cysts prevent ovulation all together or just delays it until the cyst is gone, so if u still have the cyst its not a good way to start ttc, trust me it will be the most stressful thing u can go thru, from experience. Please get checked first and ask what ur options may be..then u can start planning and things like that. Good luck hun
i'v had many many cyst. i had one removed but one came back very soon after and i got pregnant right away and had not problems with my pregnanacy it actually make them go away until after he was born. i guess everyone is different but i would talk to your doctor about it just to see what they say. good luck!!!
just ask your doctor,
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